To use the outdoor unit analysis

The Outdoor unit analysis screen shows the operational data of the outdoor units. The section allows you to download the hourly operational data for each outdoor unit.


From the site selector, select the site for which you want to perform the outdoor unit analyses.


In the navigation pane, select Outdoor unit analysis underRemote diagnostics.

  • Result: An overview of outdoor units at the chosen site is displayed.


To change the period for which you want to view outdoor unit information, edit the Month by clicking the calendar icon (a).


To show certain outdoor unit information in this overview page, click the vertical ellipsis icon (b).

  • Result: A drop-down list appears, showing all other outdoor unit information labels.


Select the information you want to be displayed in the overview window.


To download the hourly operation data for 1 unit, click the download icon at the right (c) of an outdoor unit line.


To download the complete table as a Microsoft Excel file, click the corresponding button (d) at the bottom left of the page.