To manage indoor units

The Daikin Cloud Service allows you to consult available information on the indoor units.

To actually change indoor unit information, see About monitoring and controlling the equipment.

In most cases, indoor units get linked to the correct management point data automatically.

In case a unit is not linked automatically, you can manually link it to the correct management point data.


Some units may need to be manually linked to make sure data are displayed correctly. This can only be done by an installer and above (Daikin administrator or affiliate).


In the navigation pane, select Indoor units under Administration.

  • Result: The currently available indoor units are displayed.


To assign a Management point name to an indoor unit, select it from the drop-down list (a). There is no need to save the information, the assignment of a Management point name will be kept automatically.


If you select the Management point name of another, already assigned, indoor unit you are not warned about this. The Management point name of the other indoor unit will be set to None again.