To link an event to a responding action (interlocking)

Linking an event to a responding action (Interlocking) allows you to set up the triggering of a responding action after an event. This responding action can be applied to a choice of units. The trigger can be initiated by a management point, a sensor, or a combination of both.

For example: You can link the closing of the digital input "burglar alarm" to the switching off of all heating/cooling units. The contact of such an alarm is active once the entire staff has left the building, making it no longer needed to keep all heating/cooling units on.


In the navigation pane, select Interlocking under Monitoring & control.

  • Result: The list of current Interlocking items appears.

You can (temporarily) deactivate an Interlocking setting by clicking its slider (a). The slider will become greyed out.

You can delete an Interlocking setting by clicking the white cross (b). Confirm by clicking Delete (d) in the pop-up window.


Click Add new interlock (c).

  • Result: The Create new interlock menu appears. The menu allows you to set the Trigger on the left side of the menu before setting the responding actions on the right side.


Name the Interlocking action by filling in the Name your interlock action field (e).


Click Select units (f) in the Trigger section.

  • Result: A window showing all connected units (g) that can be linked is shown.


Mark the check box for the initiating unit and confirm your selection by clicking Select (h).


Under Initiating trigger (i), select when the trigger should occur.

For example: For the triggering of a fire alarm you can set up that all units need to be stopped when the fire alarm is activated. If you select All on, you indicate that all selected units need to be turned on in order to execute the trigger command. The opposite is valid when All off is selected. Similarly, you can choose to set up a responding action only when at least a single unit is turned on or off by selecting At least 1 on or At least 1 off respectively.


Optionally, to add an initiating sensor, click Select sensors (j) under Initiating sensors.

  • Result: A window showing all connected sensors (k) that can be linked is shown.


Mark the check box for the initiating sensor and confirm your selection by clicking Select (l).


Under Sensor values, select which values and which type of threshold should trigger the responding action. It is possible to select multiple types of values. For more information about the sensor values and thresholds, see To perform sensor monitoring.


Under Threshold trigger (m), select when the trigger should occur.


Depending on the selected sensor values, Worse than threshold can mean that the trigger can occur either when the value exceeds (e.g. for VOC) or drops below (e.g. for Global) the set threshold. For Better than threshold, the opposite is valid.


In the Action section, click Select units under Responding units (n).

  • Result: A window in which you can choose the units that will respond to the defined actions is shown.


Mark the check box for the responding unit and confirm your selection by clicking Select (o).


Under Responding actions (p), define the actions the responding units should perform when a trigger occurs.

You can enable or disable different types of actions (e.g. Set temperature or Operation mode) by clicking the power icon for each action type (q). Currently disabled action types are greyed out. Hovering over the options of an action type will display more information about the option.


Depending on the unit that was selected under Responding units, different types of Responding actions may be available.


Click Create new interlock (s) to save the interlocking.

  • Result: The interlocking is created.

You cannot change the interlocking name, action or trigger of an interlocking. The only way to change them is by deleting the interlocking entirely and creating a new one.