To manage packages

There are two package options available:

  • Package A - Access license : gives access to the Daikin Cloud Service.
  • Package A - Access license +Package B - Service license: package B offers access to Remote diagnostics for site administrators and installers. By default, this section can only be consulted by affiliates and higher profiles. See About remote diagnostics for more information.

Once payment is received, the selected package(s) need to be activated. In case of multiple packages, every package has to be activated separately.


Edit a site. See To manage the site itself and its controllers.


Click on the vertical ellipsis icon (a) at the right of the screen.

  • Result: The payment drop-down list drops out.


If requested, click Cancel package (b) and confirm in the pop-up screen.

  • Result: The package is cancelled.


To activate a package, click the Confirm payment field (c).

  • Result: The Confirm payment screen appears.


Enter expiration date by typing in the date or by using the calendar and click the Confirm button (d).

  • Result: The application shows a message confirming the payment (e) and the status of the package (f) is set to Paid. The package is now active.
  • Result: In the site list, the package icon (g) is now green.

The color codes for the packages are:

Blue: Trial

Green: Paid and active

Red: Expired

Grey: Cancelled

Orange: Payment pending

After cancellation, a package can be reactivated by an installer and above (Daikin administrator or affiliate) by selecting Request extension. If this is done before the package expiration date, the package color becomes orange.

The Request extension (h) and Cancel package (i) commands are situated in the drop-down list.


When a package is cancelled, it will remain active till the expiration date has passed.

If the package is expired (red), it will remain red even if Request extension (h) is selected. In both cases, the package color will turn green as soon as the payment is confirmed.