To use the prediction setup

On the Prediction setup page you can enable malfunction prediction for the units connected to the controller.


From the site selector, select the site for which you want to perform the prediction setup.


In the navigation pane, select Prediction setup under Remote diagnostics.

  • Result: The following section appears.


Activate malfunction prediction by sliding the toggle button (a) to the right.

  • Result: During the activation a Ready to send message is displayed in the Status column (b). The activation of malfunction prediction can take up to an hour. Once active, the Status column shows the Sent message.

If malfunction prediction is enabled, and the system predicts the malfunction of a unit, an alarm is generated and can be found in the Alarm history page. See To manage the alarm history.

In addition to the alarm being displayed on the Alarm history page, you can also receive an email notification for future alarms. To receive these emails, assign yourself to a site that generates alarms.