About access levels

There are 5 user roles, each with different access levels. Depending on your role you have more or less features available.

The 5 user roles according to hierarchy are:

  • Daikin Administrators
  • Daikin Affiliates
  • Installers
  • Administrators
  • Operators

The following table shows the features that are NOT available to all different user levels.

Available functions

Daikin Administrators

Daikin Affiliates


Site Administrators


Can read the release notes (see To read the release notes)

Can view compatibility pages with supported models (see About compatibility with Daikin Cloud Service)

Monitoring & Control - Equipment list (Change equipment name) (see To change the equipment names)

Monitoring & Control - Equipment list (advanced control) (see To set advanced functions on all units at once)

Monitoring & Control – Schedule (see About managing time schedules)

Monitoring & Control – Interlocking (see To link an event to a responding action (interlocking))

Energy management – Energy performance – Visualise EER/COP data (see To consult energy performance of outdoor units)

Energy management - Target energy settings (see To manage the energy target settings)

User administration (see To manage the users)

Building administration - Site list (see About building administration)

Building administration – Controllers (overview) (see To manage the site itself and its controllers)

Building administration - Integrators (see To manage integrators)

Building administration – Zones (see To manage zones)

Building administration – Indoor units (see To manage indoor units)

Building administration - Outdoor units (see To manage outdoor units)

Building administration – Sensors (see To manage sensors)

Building administration - Electric meter configuration (see To perform electric meter configuration)

Remote diagnostics - Alarm history (see To manage the alarm history)

Remote diagnostics - Indoor unit analysis (see To use the indoor unit analysis)

Remote diagnostics - Outdoor unit analysis (see To use the outdoor unit analysis)

Remote diagnostics - Prediction setup (see To use the prediction setup)

Remote diagnostics – Reporting (see To use reporting)


Can only view the settings.


Can create sites, but NOT residential sites.


Can only view or edit the site information, but CANNOT create sites.


Can only view details of controllers belonging to sites that the user is linked to in the Controllers overview.


Can only view indoor unit information, NOT manually link an indoor unit to management point data.


Can edit the thresholds for all types of sensor parameters, but CANNOT edit critical thresholds.


Only available if activated by the Daikin affiliate user.